
Step 1 of 3

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ผ Maker's Profile

The following details will be used to create your Maker' s Profile.

This will be in the link to your Developer Profile

Used to automatically populate your Maker's Profile

We will send an acknowledgment of your nomination to this email.

I am a data scientist with 3 years of experience in the industry and a Fellow at Supertype Fellowship. I am passionate about open source and have contributed to several projects under this program.

A short headline that appears below your name.


Choose all language(s) you're proficient in.


A maximum of 10 most revelant qualifications


Indicates your availability for work.

ย  Collective
Supertype Collective is a community of analytics developers, data scientists & engineering leaders building products across the full stack.
Incubated by ย Supertype, a full cycle data science consultancy.Incubated by Supertype